
Session A - Prevention, Public Health, and Clinical Research

Advances in clinical and population science are the focus of this session which includes a special lecture on the state of prevention research, an update on advances in Hepatitis C treatment and the status of HIV research in the context of addiction.

Chairpersons and Discussants:

  • Robert R. Redfield, MD, Associate Director, Institute of Human Virology, Professor of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine
  • Salim Abdool Karim, PhD, Director, Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA)


Sunday Afternoon (Starts 12:45 pm):

  • Sten Vermund, MD, PhD, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine for Global Health
        New Evidence that Circumcision Might Protect MSM from HIV

  • Myron Cohen, MD, University of North Carolina School of Medicine
        Treatment for Prevention of HIV Infection

  • James Rooney, MD, Gilead
        Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): A New Strategy ​to Reduce Transmission of HIV in High Risk HIV Uninfected

  • Walter Royal III, MD, University of Maryland School of Medicine
        Gender and Neurocognitive Impairment among HIV Infected Individuals in Nigeria

  • Shyam Kottilil, MD, PhD, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
        The past, present and future of Hepatitis C Therapy

  • John Frater, MD, PhD, Oxford University Nuffield Department of Medicine
        Special Lecture: Associating the HIV-1 reservoir, T Cell Immunity and Disease Progression

  • Eric Verdin, MD, Gladstone Research Institutes
        Dual Fluorescence HIV Reporter to Study HIV latency

  • Benjamin K. Chen, MD, PhD, Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine
        Infection through HIV T cell virological synapses: Implications for vaccine and therapy

  • Thomas Lehner, CBE, MD, Kings College London
        The effect of vaginal immunization in women with HIVgp140 and HSP70 on HIV-1 replication, innate and T cell
        adaptive immunity

  • Jean-Marie Andrieu, MD, Paris-Decartes University
        Oral SIV vaccines comprising inactivated virus particles and  bacterial adjuvants induce CD8+T-regulatory cells that
        suppress SIV positive CD4+cell activation and prevent SIV infection in the macaque model

  • Guido Poli, MD, San Raffaele Scientific Institute
        Rapid ATP-Induced Release of Stored HIV Virions in Primary Human Monocyte-Derived Macrophages

  • George N. Pavlakis, MD, PhD., National Cancer Institute
        DNA and Protein Co-immunization Improves the Magnitude, Longevity, and mucosal dissemination of Immune

  • Zvi Bentwich, MD, Ben Gurion University
        HIV/AIDS and helminth infections-a neglected therapeutic potential

  • Hui Zhang, MD, PhD, Zhongshan School of Medicine
        Development of specific activators for HIV-1 latency

Opening Reception 6:15 – 8:15 PM

Session B – Status of HIV Cure Research

In this rapidly evolving research arena, the power of basic science to drive clinical investigations that, in turn inform next generation science, is presented and based on these insights new directions are discussed. Included in this session is a panel discussion led by Dr. Gallo to stimulate debate and challenge dogma.

Chairpersons and Discussants:

  • Robert C. Gallo, MD, Director, Institute of Human Virology
  • John Frater, MD, PhD, Oxford University Nuffield Department of Medicine
  • Benjamin K. Chen, MD, PhD, Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine


Monday Morning (Starts 8:30 am):

  • John Mellors, MD, University of Pittsburgh
        Special Lecture: Prospects and Strategies for an HIV Cure

  • Daniel Kuritzkes, MD, Harvard Medical School
        Status of HIV Cure Research--is there light at the end of the tunnel?

  • Robert Siliciano, MD, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
        New Insights on the Role of the Latent Reservoir

  • Ed Berger, PhD, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
        Targeted Cell Killing to Achieve a (Functional) Cure: Different Strategies for Acute Versus Chronic Infection

  • Jerome Kim, MD, US Military HIV Research Program
        Studies of Acute HIV Infection – Insights for Cure

  • Mario Stevenson, PhD, University of Miami School of Medicine
        Development of small antagonists of the HIV Vif-apobec axis

  • Richard Koup, MD, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
        Factors associated with the development of broadly neutralizing antibodies during SHIVAD8 infection

  • Frank Malderelli, MD, PhD, NIH Intramural Research Program
        HIV Persistence During Combination Antiretroviral Therapy

  • Alain Lafeuillade, MD, Toulon General Hospital
        Status of HIV Cure Research

  • Robert C. Gallo, MD, Institute of Human Virology
        Panel Discussion: HIV Cure and Cancer Biology: Sharing Insights

Session C – Molecular and Immunologic Insights of Cancer Biology and Treatment

The convergence of fundamental insights concerning the cellular pathways that drive cancer, the micro-environment that promotes cancer and blocks effective immune responses, and the translation of new technologies for harnessing the host and applying targeted drug interventions provides fundamental biological insights.

Chairpersons and Discussants:

  • Umberto Bertazzoni, PhD, University of Verona
  • John Niederhuber, MD, Inova Translational Medicine Institute
  • Joseph Pagano, MD, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center


Monday Afternoon (Starts 2:00 pm):

  • Jeffrey Schlom, PhD, National Cancer Institute of Human Virology
        Special Lecture: Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines – Fundamental Insights

  • Luc Willems, PhD, National Fund for Scientific Research, University of Liège
        Vaccination against deltaretroviruses: the bovine leukemia virus paradigm

  • Aaron Rapoport, MD, University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center
        Adoptive T-cell Transfers as a Strategy for Rebuilding Immune Function After Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation
        for Hematologic Malignancies

  • John Niederhuber, MD, Inova Translational Medicine Institute
        Special Lecture: Personalized Medicine and Cancer Outcomes

  • Antonino Carbone, MD, Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
        Lymphomas and other cancers in HIV-infected patients

  • Jay Berzofsky, MD, PhD, National Cancer Institute
        Cancer vaccine strategies: translation from mice to clinical trials

  • Stephen Channock, MD, National Cancer Center
        Cancer Susceptibility

  • David Frank, MD, PhD, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School
        Special Lecture: Strategies for Targeting Cancer Pathways: Oncogenic Transcription Factors as Convergence Points
        for Molecular Therapy

  • Lance Liotta, MD, PhD, George Mason University
        Nanotechnology: Multifunctional Smart Nanoparticles Measure Previously Invisible Diagnostic Analytes

  • Isaac Witz, PhD, Tel Aviv University
        The Metastatic Microenvironment: A New Lung-Derived Factor Inhibits Neuroblastoma Lung Metastatis

Poster Discussion and Hors d’oeuvres - 6:15 – 8:15 PM

Session D – HIV Structural Biology, Immunology and Vaccines

The implications of HIV structure, its interface with cellular receptors, the distorted immune responses, and understanding of the biology of immune subsets impacted by HIV provide a landscape for promoting innovation in the conceptualization of HIV vaccines.

Chairpersons and Discussants:

  • George Lewis, PhD, Associate Director, Institute of Human Virology
  • John Moore, PhD, Cornell Weill Medical College
  • Franco Buonaguro, MD, National Cancer Institute 'Fondazione Pascale'


Tuesday Morning (Starts 8:30 am):

  • John Moore, PhD, Cornell Weill Medical College
        Special Symposium: Immunogenicity of native-like SOSIP.664 trimers

  • Walter Mothes, PhD, Yale School of Medicine
        Conformational dynamics of single HIV-1 Env trimers on the surface of native virions

  • Andrew Ward, PhD, The Scripps Research Institute
        CryoEM Studies of HIV-1 Envelope Glycoprotein

  • Kelly Lee, PhD, University of Washington
        The potency of broadly neutralizing antibodies directly relates to their ability to recognize the closed pre-fusion form
        of HIV Env

  • Paulo Lusso, PhD, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
        Tyrosine Sulfation in the Second Variable Domain (V2) of gp120 Regulates HIV-1 Sensitivity to Neutralization

  • Peter Kwong, PhD, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
        Structure, immune recognition, and conformational stabilization of the HIV-1 viral spike

  • Mario Roederer, PhD, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
        Antigenic Heterogeneity of Clonal Envelopes: A Novel Immune Evasion Mechanism

  • Anthony DeVico, PhD, Institute of Human Virology
        Vaccination Strategies to Safely Elicit Long-Lived Humoral Responses against HIV gp120

  • Jonathan Gershoni, PhD, Tel Aviv University
        Antibody interrogation of the CD4-bound conformation of HIV-1 gp120

  • Dan Barouch, MD, PhD, Harvard Medical School
        Antibody-Based Vaccines and Therapeutics for HIV-1

Tuesday Afternoon (Starts 1:00 pm):

Global Health Special Session, Chairperson: John Idoko, MD, National Agency for the Control of AIDS

  • Ambassador Deborah Birx, MD, US Global AIDS Coordinator,
        PEPFAR Global Health Plenary Lecture: Global Health and PEPFAR

Session E – Preventative HIV Vaccine Progress

Human and animal trials are a vital tool for understanding the gaps in knowledge that have, so far, thwarted the development of an effective HIV vaccine. However, fundamental insights are now emerging that have practical translational impact.

Chairpersons and Discussants:

  • Neil Nathanson, MD, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
  • Merlin Robb, MD, US Military HIV Research Program
  • Chris Wilson, MD, The Gates Foundation


Tuesday Afternoon (Starts 2:00 pm):

  • John Mascola, MD, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
        Special Lecture: Preventative HIV Vaccine Progress

  • Nelson Michael, MD, PhD, US Military HIV Research Program
        Advances in Prophylactic HIV Vaccine Development

  • Chris Wilson, MD, The Gates Foundation
        Knowable unknowns obscuring the path to an effective HIV vaccine

  • Steve Reed, PhD, Infectious Disease Research Institute
        Design and Development of Adjuvants for HIV Vaccines

  • Mark Kaplan, MD, University of Michigan Health System
        Reinhard Kurth Memorial Lecture: The Absence or Decrease Copy Number of the Centromeric K111 Engdogenous Retroviruses in Patients with Cutaneous T cell Lymphoma and Sezary Syndrome

  • Robert C. Gallo, MD, Director, Institute of Human Virology
        Introduction to Lifetime Achievement Awards

  • Salim Abdool Karim, PhD, Director, Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA)
        Lifetime Achievement Award Talk in Honor of John Martin: HIV Prevention – Current Development

  • Melissa Brown, PhD, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
        Lifetime Achievement Award Talk in Honor of Bill Paul: The meninges: Melissaan immune gateway to the CNS

6:15 PM Gala Reception - 7:00 PM Awards Gala Dinner

Session F – HIV Pathogenesis

The broad scope of laboratory, animal, and human studies have advanced new insights into how HIV attacks the host. In particular exciting studies of the fundamental mechanisms of cellular killing are presented in special lectures that provide new targets for treatment and prevention.

Chairpersons and Discussants:

  • Luigi Buonaguro, MD, National Cancer Institute, 'Fondazione Pascale'
  • Leonid Margolis, PhD, National Institutes of Health
  • Carl Dieffenbach, PhD, Division of AIDS, NIH


Wednesday Morning (Starts 8:30 am):

  • Jonathan Karn, PhD, Case Western Reserve University
        Signaling Pathways and Epigenetic Mechanisms Controlling HIV Latency

  • Doug Nixon, MD, PhD, The George Washington University
        T cell activation and subsequent risk of HIV infection

  • Warner Greene, MD, PhD, Gladstone Institute of Virology & Immunology
        Special Lecture: Cell-to-cell transmission of HIV-1 is required to trigger pyroptotic death of CD4 T cells in
        lymphoid tissue

  • Guido Silvestri, MD, Emory University School of Medicine
        Non-human primate models for immunological studies of HIV eradication

  • Karla Kirkegaard, PhD, Stanford School of Medicine
        Roles of autophagy and its components in viral assembly and spread

  • David Pauza, PhD, Institute of Human Virology
        Potential for gamma delta T cell Immunotherapy of HIV Disease

  • Julie Overbaugh, PhD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
        Multiple species-specific host factors limit HIV-1 replication and, consequently, the development or relevant
        SHIV/macaque models of HIV-1 infection in humans

  • Andrés Finzi, PhD, Université de Montréal / CRCHUM
        Interaction with Cellular CD4 Exposes HIV-1 Envelope Epitopes Targeted by Antibody-Dependent Cell-Mediated

  • Hervé Fleury MD, PhD, Bordeaux Segalen University
        Why a generic vaccine may not be efficient for HIV-1 cure

Session G – Podium Presentations of Selected Abstracts

This session is designed to provide a forum for late breaking research developed by young scientists from centers around the world. The topics presented align with the major themes of the other sessions and provide in depth reports by emerging young investigators.

Chairpersons and Discussants:

  • Robert Redfield, MD, Associate Director, Institute of Human Virology
  • Luigi Chieco-Bianchi, MD, University of Padova


Wednesday Afternoon (Starts 1:00 pm):

  • Shan-Lu Liu, MD, PhD, University of Missouri
        TIM Family Proteins Inhibit HIV-1 Release

  • Yi-Ming Chen, MD, ScD, Kaohsiung Medical University
        Patients Infected with CRF07_BC Have Significantly Lower Viral Loads than Patients with HIV-1
        Subtype B: Mechanism and Impact on Disease Progression

  • Chitra Upadhyay, PhD, New York University School of Medicine
        Masking of the epitopes in the V2 and V3 loops of the HIV-1 envelope are modulated by different mechanisms

  • Yongjun Sui, PhD, National Institutes of Health
        Vaccine-induced myeloid cell population dampens protective immunity to SIV

  • Mark Slevin, PhD, FRCPath, Manchester Metropolitan University
        P17 from HIV induces vascular cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s-like degeneration in a mouse model of dementia

  • Marjorie Robert-Gurroff, PhD, National Cancer Institute
        Rectal Env-specific memory B cells and plasma cells are correlated with delayed SIVmac251 acquisition
        following rectal challenge of vaccinated female but not male rhesus macaques

  • Carola Schäfer, PhD, Heinrich-Pette-Institute - Leibniz Institute for Experimental Virology
        Pronounced antiviral activity of next-generation LTR-specific Tre-recombinase

  • Greg Snyder, PhD, Institute of Human Virology
        Subversion of innate immune responses by microbial TIR interacting proteins

  • Barbara Felber, PhD, National Cancer Institute
        Reverse vaccinology identified promising vaccine candidates focusing responses to relatively conserved
        regions associated with control of viremia

  • David Riedel, MD, Institute of Human Virology
        HIV-Associated Lymphoma Subtype Distribution, Immunophenotypes, and Survival

  • Francesca Caccuri, PhD, Università degli Studi di Brescia
        HIV-1 matrix protein p17 promotes lymphangiogenesis

  • Yimeng Wang, PhD, The Scripps Research Institute
        HIV Env vaccine-elicited B cell responses against the virus primary receptor binding site

  • Tracy Evans-Gilbert, MBBS, Cornwall Regional Hospital
        Perinatally HIV infected adolescents and early transition to adult care