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photo: header image2 Newsletters

These newsletters were developed by the Center for School Mental Health (CSMH) for different projects and initiatives. They are available on in the hopes that you will use these to share information on mental health-related topics with school staff and mental health clinicians. The CSMH is granting permission for use of these tools within schools by professionals for education and training. Commercial use of these tools is strictly prohibited. The newsletters below are in Microsoft Publisher format.

Promoting Wellness in School Mental Health
These newsletters were specifically designed as part of a National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) study, led by Dr. Mark Weist designed to enhance quality in school mental health (SMH).

Newsletter 1: The six core virtues of positive psychology are discussed

Newsletter 2: Topics include goal-setting, maintaining change and staying motivated

Newsletter 3: Topics include benefits of outdoor activity, increasing your energy levels, stress reduction, and boosting your metabolism

Newsletter 4: Topics include peer support groups, resisting stress at work, and the way to wellness

Newsletter 5: Topics include the effects of melatonin of sleep and improving air quality at home

Newsletter 6: Topics include the benefits of a healthy diet and tips for health holiday eating

Newsletter 7: Topics include facts about vitamins, and ways to prevent the flu

Newsletter 8: Topics include focusing on wellness in the new year and ways to manage everyday stress

Newsletter 9: Topics include dieting and signs of a fad diet

Newsletter 10: Topics include burnout at work and using exercise to reduce stress

Newsletter 11: Topics include pulling it all together: mind, body and soul and finding the fire within

Enhancing Quality in School Mental Health
These newsletters were specifically designed as part of a National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) study, led by Dr. Mark Weist designed to enhance quality in school mental health (SMH).

Newsletter 1: Topics include relaxation techniques for reducing problem behaviors, principles of positive psychology, helping students with ADHD in the classroom and interpersonal psychotherapy

Newsletter 2: Topics include why we need evidence-based practice, preventing dropout, and engaging families in school mental health

ADHD Part I: Topics include school-based evaluations of ADHD and coaching teens to achieve their goals 

ADHD Part II: Topics include classroom interventions for ADHD, strategies for school clinicians, and medical treatments for ADHD

Anxiety: Topics include coaching to competency and evidence-based interventions to help your anxious child

Depression: Topics include depression screening and cognitive restructuring

Disruptive Behaviors: Topics include guidelines for talking with parents and, tangible rewards, and etiology of disruptive behavior

Family Focus- Collaboration: Topics include involving families as partners

Family Focus- Engagement: Topics include engaging families and establishing a therapeutic alliance with families

Family Focus- Introduction: Topics include four themes of clinical practice (i.e., engagement, collaboration, support, and empowerment)

Family Focus- Support:Topics include connecting families to neighborhood, community, state and federal support

Medication Management- ADHD: Topics include ADHD medication management and how to discuss ADHD medication with families

Medication Management- Depression: Topics include depressive disorders and practice elements for depression

OCD & Anxiety: Topics include treatments techniques for students and student response to anxiety

PTSD & Medication Management: Topics include clinician concerns about exposure technique in treatment and medication management of anxiety disorders

Therapy Relationships: Topics include empirically supported therapy relationships and practice recommendations

Additional Topics:
These newsletters were developed by CSMH faculty and staff to address additional topics of interest to stakeholders in children's mental health.

Academics and Mental Health: Topics include an overview of academics and mental health, motivating students to do their homework and the impacts of homework.

ADHD: Topics include an overview of ADHD, facts and myths about ADHD

Behavior Management Part I: Topics include behavior management strategies for children with attentional disorders and demandments of behavior management

Behavior Management Part II: Topics include problem behaviors, aggressive children, and tips and solutions

Behavioral-Emotional Problems: Topics include identification of youth with behavioral and emotional problems

Back to School: Topics include getting back on track, motivating students, and stress busters

Crisis Intervention: Topics include unexpected occurrences, crisis intervention for school or community crisis, and common symptoms associated with crises

Daily Rap: Topics include the "Daily Rap" and team building in the classroom

Depression: Topics include the basics of depression, treating depresssion, and working with students with depression

Disability Awareness: Topics include learning disabilities in school aged children and teaching and educational strategies for educators

Family Involvement: Topics include factors that influence family involvement and strategies for involving families

Identifying Mental Health Concerns: Topics include identifying mental health concerns and the myth of the bad child

Peer Mediation: Topics include the ins and out of peer mediation and mediation steps

Peer Pressure: Topics include the basics of peer pressure, positive vs negative peer pressure, and influences of culture on peer pressure

Resilience: Topics include what is resilience and how to foster resilience in schools

School Climate: Topics include the importance of school climate and creating positive classroom climate

School Violence: Topics include initiating change, statistics, student stressors, and warning signs

Staff Wellness: Topics include burnout, preventing stress, six dimensions of wellness, and tips to creating wellness

Substance Use and Abuse by Youth: Topics include the warning signs, substance use facts and dispelling the myth about marajuana.

Suspension: Topics include alternatives to out-of-school suspension and too many suspensions in Maryland public schools

Wellness: Topics include enjoy the outdoors, maintaining change, and motivation station

Wellness for the New Year: Topics include focus on wellness as a New Year's resolution and how to reduce stress

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