Community Resource Directories National Resource Directories
Network of Care This website provides community resources on eight topics of interest: Seniors and People with Disablilities, Mental/Behavioral Health, Kids (ages 0-5), Children and Families (ages 0-18), Developmental Disabilities, Domestic Violence, Public Health, and Probation Services. Select a topic to see if there is a information available for your community. Upon selecting your community, click on the link labelled "Service Directory" or "Services" for a comprehensive resource directory. In addition to the resource directories, each community's site includes an easy to use library, current state and federal legislative topics, useful links to other resources, and much more. CMHS Mental Health Services Locator This locator developed by SAMSHA's Center for Mental Health Services, provides comprehensive information about mental health services and resources and is useful for professionals, consumers and their families, and the public. Information can be accessed by selecting a State or U.S. Territory from the map or drop-down menu. Developing Your Own Community Resource Directory
While some communities are fortunate to have access to easily accessible online community resource databases, others often need to compile and maintain these directories on their own. In developing resource guides, community agencies/organizations, schools and other invested partners can collaborate with one another to develop a comprehensive guide that broadly reflects the wide array of resources available in a community. The Center for School Mental Health has developed community resource directories for Baltimore City and Prince Georges County. These examples offer ideas and a structure for communities interested in developing their own resource guides. These guides are invaluable asset to clinicians, parents/caregivers, and educators and outline some of the key community resources that can assist in promoting the mental health and overall student well-being. You can view these directories by clicking the links below: |