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The SMHQAQ Quality Indicator PowerPoints

Principle One Access to Care and Funding 
All youth and families are able to access appropriate care regardless of their ability to pay.

Indicator 1.  Provision of Case Management Assistance

Indicator 2.  Bringing Resources & Finances to SMHP

Principle Two:  Needs Assessment and Addressing Needs and Strengths
Programs are implemented to address needs and strenghten assets for students, families, schools, and communities.

Indicator 3.  Conducting Assessment on Risk and Stress Factors

Indicator 4.  Needs and Recommendations Meeting with Students, Parents & Staff

Indicator 5.  Services in Place to Contend with Risk and Stress Factors

Indicator 6.  Matching Services to Presenting Needs and Strengths

Principle Three:  Evidence-Based Practice (Screening, Assessment, and Intervention)
Programs and services focus on reducing barriers to development and learning, are student and family friendly, and are based on evidence of positive impact.

Indicator 7:  Ongoing Training and Supervision

Indicator 8:  Screening and Follow-up Assessments

Indicator 9:  Continual Assessment of Fit and Impact of Ongoing Services

Indicator 10:  Clear and Effective Protocol

Indicator 11:  Evidence-Based Practice and Programs

Principle Four:  Stakeholder Involvement and Feedback
Students, families, teachers and other imoprtant groups are actively involved in the program's development, oversight, evaluation, and continuous improvement.

Indicator 12:  Development of an Advisory Board

Indicator 13:  Collaboration with School Administration

Indicator 14:  Participation in Meetings to Obtain Feedback from Stakeholders

Indicator 15:  Implementation of Stakeholder Ideas and Recommendations

Indicator 16:  Training & Educational Activities for Stakeholders

Principle Five:  Quality Assessment and Improvement
Quality assessment and improvement activities continually guide and provide feedback to the program.

Indicator 17:  Activities Guided by Active and Effective Quality Assessment

Indicator 18:  Training in Paperwork and Procedures

Indicator 19:  Meaningful Involvement of Families

Indicator 20:  Presence of Peer Review Mechanisms

Indicator 21:  Evaluation Plan that Provides Measureable Results

Principle Six:  Continuum of Care and Referral Process
A continuum of care is provided, including school-wide mental health promotion, early intervention, and treatment.

Indicator 23:  Activities Promoting School-Wide Mental Health

Indicator 24:  Developing and Implementing Training and Educational Activities for Educators

Indicator 25:  Group, Classroom, and School-wide Prevention Activities

Indicator 26:  Intensive Treatment Services - Individual, Group, and Family

Indicator 27:  Continuing Mentoring Relationships with Students

Indicator 28:  Utilization of ESMH Referral Procedure

Indicator 29:  Prompt Screening and Assessment of Referred Students

Principle Seven:  Clinician Training, Support, and Service Delivery
Staff holds to high ethical standards, is committed to children, adolescents, and families, and displays an energetic, flexible, responsive and proactive style in delivering services.

Indicator 30:  Sufficient Training, Support, and Supervision

Indicator 31:  Flexible, Proactive Approach to Providing Services

Principle Eight:  Competently Addressing Developmental, Cultural, and Personal Differences
Staff is respectful of, and competently addresses developmental, cultural, and personal differences among students, families, and staff.

Indicator 32:  Receiving Regular Training

Indicator 33:  Reflection of School Population Diversity in Caseload

Indicator 34:  Ensuring SMHP and Activities are Welcoming and Respectful

Indicator 35:  Diverse Key Stakeholders

Principle Nine:  Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Communication
Staff builds and maintains strong relationships with other mental health and health providers and educators in the school, and a theme of interdisciplinary collaboration characterizes all efforts.

Indicator 36:  Coordinating Mental Health Efforts

Indicator 37:  Using or Helping to Develop Communication Mechanisms

Indicator 38:  Active Collaboration with Other Professionals in the School

Principle Ten:  Community Coordination
Mental health programs in the school are coordinated with related programs in other community settings.

Indicator 39:  Familiarity With / Knowledge About Other Professionals in School

Indicator 40:  Working with Other Community Health and Mental Health Providers/Programs

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