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Resources for Families:
Behavior Management

General Information and Strategies

Behavior Management Newsletter (CSMH)
A newsletter created by the CSMH for the Prince George's County School Mental Health Initiative, on the topic of behavior management.  General information on conducting a functional behavior assessment, addressing aggressive behaviors in the classroom, and quick tips and suggestions for managing student behavior is discussed.

Behavior Modification in the Classroom (LD Online)
A great resource for teachers and parents on popular approaches in successful management of student behavior in the classroom.

Choosing the Right Treatment: What Families Need to Know about Evidence-Based Practice (NAMI)
This guide is designed to inform families about practices and treatments that are research-based.  Information is provided about an array of treatment and support options for families of children with mental health concerns.

Classroom Behavior: Information for Parents/Caregivers (MSMHA)
A brief guide for parents about what they need to know about classroom management.

Effective Strategies to Address Disruptive Behaviors (CSMH)
This PowerPoint presentation provides information on effectively addressing disruptive students at each level of the Acting Out Cycle.

Evaluating the Educational Needs of Children with Mental Health Conditions (
Provides detailed information on education evaluations, including specific guidelines for families, school staff, and school clinicians.

School Based Interventions: Symptoms and Strategies (
A very useful website that guides educators on how to select and apply interventions in the classroom that address specific symptoms of mental health disorders.

Strategies to Deal with Aggressive Children: Information for Parents/Caregivers (MSMHA)
This sheet provides several strategies and a list of resources about working with aggressive students.

Targeting Home-School Collaboration for Students with ADHD (LD Online)
Information on how to successfully collaborate with the school in supporting your child's IEP goals in the classroom and at home

Teaching Young Children Self-Control Skills (NASP)
A guide for families and educators on how to teach young children how to know their feelings, deal with feeling mad, and deal with not being able to have something they want.

Temper Tantrums: Guidelines for Parents and Teachers (NASP)
Provides useful information on temper tantrums, types of temperaments, developmental issues, and prevention and intervention strategies for teachers and parents.

Creating a Daily Report Card
A daily report card is a tool to designed to decrease unwanted behavior by setting up daily and long-term goals and rewards to motivate children to behave correctly.

Creating a Daily Report Card for the Home (Center for Children and Families)
This guide is designed for parents to use with children who have ADHD, or who have behavioral difficulties in the home.

Daily Behavior Report Cards: Information for Parents/Caregivers (MSMHA)
A guide developed by the CSMH in collaboration with MSMHA that introduces parents to the daily report card for behavior difficulties.  Examples and resources are provided.

School-Home Daily Report Card Resource Packet (Center for Children and Families)
This ten-page worksheet is designed to help clinicians and educators set up a school-home daily report card for students with ADHD.


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